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醫學研究文章 > 林寶華醫師臨床短札

林寶華醫師 臨床短札 網址:http://www.lph.com.tw

B.緣起:在2011/10/30,一位素未謀面的三軍總醫院神經外科主治醫師稱讚我對妥瑞氏症(Tourette syndrome)的貢獻,他的主任推薦「天使的鬼臉」,經閱讀後,有很深刻的啟發。



《Tourette Syndrome, Asperger, OCD, Parkinson's Disease treated with Chinese Medicine. 》- Abstract
Author: Lin Pao-hua

In these recent 10 years, I have treated more than 1,700 patients who were diagnosed with Tics (Tourette syndrome), I am so glad to be able to help the majority of the Tourette's patients, and had discovered that Traditional Chinese Medicine: (1) Is able to cure Tourette's syndrome, (2) Offers safe and efficient treatments in the long run, (3) Helps to remove negative side effects caused by long term dosing of psychiatric drugs.

Tourette's patients usually suffered from a single disease, however many patients also suffered from two or more mixed diseases. Severe Tourette patients could have complications, suffering Autism (Asperger syndrome), Obsessive compulsive disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression or Dystonia at the same time.

Based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, patient's syndrome of deficiency(虛), excess(實), cold(寒), heat(熱), stasis(瘀), dampness(濕), dryness(燥)、 wind(風) is first distinguished, then the prescription with appropriate proportion is decided. Or, a particular syndrome is to be treated first, and then followed by treating another syndrome. Of course, depending on individual complication, patients' health condition can be improved with additional medicines.

林寶華著,《天使的鬼臉- 妥瑞氏症、亞斯伯格症、強迫症、巴金森氏症的中醫治療》,台北,書泉出版社- 2016年1月,三版一刷.



林寶華 / 新北市三重區林寶華中醫診所院長