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醫學研究文章 > 林寶華醫師臨床短札

林寶華醫師 臨床短札 網址:http://www.lph.com.tw

B.緣起:在2011/10/30,一位素未謀面的三軍總醫院神經外科主治醫師稱讚我對妥瑞氏症(Tourette syndrome)的貢獻,他的主任推薦「天使的鬼臉」,經閱讀後,有很深刻的啟發。



Tourette patients out of control should take Traditional Chinese Medicine.








Doctors hope the patients get back health quickly, as their parents.

Dear Mr. ○

A patient who takes western Psychiatric medicine more than 4 years,

those medicine dosages were increase than before, and can not to stop it,

can not to quit it, and
his Tourette symptoms are increase,

so, please you should understand and agree all
of the neurologic doctor say,

western Psychiatric medicine can not treat Tourette

Recently, in 3 months, your child add/take Chinese herb medicine to treat Tourette

disease; I have ever treated more than 1,600 Tourette patients, according to my

experience, he is a severe case, if his parents wish it belong medium degree, or

some families say that nothing; all in our mind, but, the child patient is still in


Of course, you can also ask the western doctor, how many patients take the

dosage in his/her clinic? Why your child can’t quit western medicine? Does

Psychiatric medicine maybe hurt patient’s brain in the future?(10mg

haloperidol/day, Depakine and Trihex)

Yale Global Tic Severity Scale

Yale Child Study Center 1992



1. YGTSS整體嚴重程度判斷評分為三級:


2. YGTSS療效評定:


療效減分率= 1 -(療後評分 / 療前評分 × 100%)。







I do not know if my child situation is medium case or severe case. I need your

advice what we should do:



The western medicine dosage for him could try to reduce, just take 50% dosage

of all western medicine; maybe some patients increase the symptoms, if that, take

back the original dosage, until the symptoms are reduce again, take 50% dosage


Or, take out/quit one kind of western medicine. Try it!


Our son has taken the Chinese medicine for more than 9 weeks. We still have

medicine for another 3 weeks. …
As we reported to you, for the first 6 weeks of taking Chinese medicine, his

symptoms did not improve and even got worse. However, in the recent 3 weeks

his symptoms seem improving well. Just in the last 3-4 days the symptom is a little bit unstable again.
At the moment we still remain the same western medicine dosage for him (10mg

haloperidol/day, Depakine and Trihex). …
Thank you very much.…


Please your son keeps taking Chinese medicine,

「Taking Chinese medicine 1 bag per day, until 90 bags, if his Tourette symptoms are increasing, he could take Chinese medicine with 3 bags per 2 days. 」

請按時服中藥。西藥Haloperidol 的劑量越多,Tics可能會越多,病情更嚴重,中醫治療時間會越久,請您自己考慮西藥再增量的問題;


(1)Trihexyphendyl,hcl,2mg 早晚服用,每次2粒。





2014.08.04 家長:孩子服中藥一個月,病情仍嚴重,信心動搖。

Our son already take one bag per day for over one month.

During this month, his symptom is still critical so our western medicine doctor

decide to increase Halipedol from 7.5 mg per day to 10mg per day. However, his

symptom still can not control as expected. Our western medicine doctor also do

not understand why he becomes more severe in this month.

Because of this situation, we still can not reduce western medicine after one month as you advise us in Taiwan and he still need to take 10mg Haloperidol per day.

He will continue to take one bag per day of Chinese medicine but we are worried what will happen to him in next month as he will start school next week.

Please share your experience if situation of our son is unusual or not when combine both western medicine and Chinese medicine.

Thank you….

2014.07.04 家長:中藥沒神效,已服3天,病情仍增加。

Our son takes Chinese medicine for 3 days now and we see that his Tourette

symptoms keeps increasing. We are a bit worried.

Pls advise your experience on this case.

The Doctor of western medicine request us to increase dosage of Butyro medicine

from 7.5mg/day to 8.5mg/day.


2014.06.28 越南國來診



( 2014/09/13-祝福苦難的病人早日脫離病海 )


林寶華 / 新北市三重區林寶華中醫診所院長